Funny pictures: Decorate with women
Hooters chicks vs. Crazy protester with really really big pants.
Could you sue the council if you followed the direction and wrote off your car?
WTF? how the hell did the car end up there. They must have wanted more power.
Noooooooooooooooooooooo your make up nooooooooo…
Funny fail pics: Crazyface! guy scared of waterbomb Read More »
No fishing in the toilet.. love it
Funny fail pics: Sign explains how to use the toilet Read More »
WTF this sign makes no sense even when reversed. Bikes on the road cars in the water stupid sign.
What is the stupidest thing you could ever do in the gym? Squats on a gym ball come pretty fkn close.
Funny picture of a soccer goalkeeper getting a ball in the face. Ouch that’s gotta hurt.